Bronze Package:
$1,000 Dinner - $250 Virtual​
Virtual Package
Firm logo with direct link to your website as a Bronze Partner and rep contact info on chapter website
Five-minute presentation at one monthly meeting
Company brochures at same monthly meeting and your firm logo with direct link to your website and rep contact info featured in meeting event announcement
Attendee list from same monthly meeting
One direct email blast from the chapter on your behalf to all chapter members to include your firm’s rep contact information and any educational content you may wish to provide
One blog entry on chapter website with Bronze Partner annotation
Dinner Package – Virtual Package Plus
One Annual Pass to all monthly meetings (includes pre-meeting networking)
Invitation to our year-end holiday social/sponsor appreciation networking event
Silver Package:
$1,500 Dinner - $500 Virtual
All Bronze Virtual & Dinner Package Items PLUS!​
Virtual Package
Firm logo with direct link to your website as a Silver Partner and rep contact info on chapter website
Priority consideration for a 50-minute educational presentation (pending Programs Committee approval of topic)
Your firm name and representative acknowledged as a Silver Partner mentioned at the beginning of all monthly meetings (except for Gold sponsor meetings – see below)
Up to 4 blog entries on chapter website with Silver Partner annotation
Targeted distribution to member categories (BD / RIA / Wire house for one event you are hosting for your territory – REACH MORE OF YOUR MARKET)!
Dinner Package – Virtual Package Plus
One additional Annual Pass to all monthly meetings (includes pre-meeting networking)
Brochures, presentation materials & swag at every meeting (your responsibility to manage delivery – can drop ship to Programs Chair)
Panelist opportunity priority at one of our New Year or Mid-Year Investment Panels (must provide firm analyst or portfolio manager)
Gold Package:
$2,000 Dinner - $750 Virtual
All Bronze Virtual & Dinner Package Items PLUS!​
Solo sponsorship recognition and 10- minute presentation at one chapter meeting
Guaranteed 50-minute educational presentation at same meeting and priority consideration for a second opportunity (one per semester)
Special event setup for a breakfast or happy hour with members
Invitation to attend Board of Directors meetings
Monthly blog entries on chapter website with Gold Partner annotation
Panelist opportunity priority at one of our New Year or Mid-Year Investment Panels (must provide firm analyst or portfolio manager)
A la Carte Benefits:
Sponsor and attend one of our Journal of Financial Planning Discussion Group monthly meetings
12 available @ $100/each
Chapter website blog entry
12 available @ $100/each
Attend one monthly FPA meeting
Annual Season Pass to all monthly meetings
$500 (8 meetings/year)
**Sponsorship fees for all packages can be paid either directly to our chapter or to the meeting venue for in-person events. We understand each company has different expense account rules and we will accommodate your reporting and compliance needs.
All targeted emails to the full chapter roster are sent by us to the membership.
IMPORTANT: We ask you contact attendees of your sponsored events only once by email and once by phone (please do not add these contacts to your firm’s e-distribution lists.
Contact Bill Brancaccio, FPA GHV Programs Chair, to discuss any of the above, including any modifications to suit your needs or company requirements, at / 914-220-6197 (office).
Virtual Meeting Sponsorship
In light of COVID-19 requiring us to meet virtually, we have reduced our sponsorship requests since it is less expensive to conduct our programs virtually vs. in-person. However, we still have administrative costs and CE registration fees to conduct these meetings virtually, as well as other chapter operational expenses, so we do need support.
We understand that your compliance and reimbursement policies for sponsorship may require direct credit card payment and supporting documentation regarding virtual attendance of your sponsored event. Please know that we can fulfill both requests and our website has a dedicated sponsor registration page with a drop-down menu for all partner packages to accept credit card payment of sponsorship fees.